Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Zoo day, the garden

We had a gift of a day today, my husband had the day off so we took the kids to the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium.  

It was a nice, cool day and most of the animals were out. One red panda for Christmas,  please!

For some reason I thought flamingoes would be bigger
 Also there were plenty of lovely pink feathers just LYING AROUND but, no I didn't break the rules and grap one. Although I might check Ebay.

I didn't get a lot of pictures but did get a great one of both kids right up against the glass with a leopard lying next to it.  We saw all sorts of wonderful things.  The biggest draw was the aquarium,  which I do remember being nicer last time we were there (years ago) but it did have a stingray touch tank and a tunnel for the kids to crawl through to get a closer look.

I am closing up the garden. We moved all of the fancy daylilies to a dedicated row.  I still have to do the East side of things once I make pesto and dry herbs. There are a few tomato plants hanging on.

We've dug some of the dalhias and cannas to store for the winter. I just dry them for a week or so, cut the tops off and stick them in a bucket in the basement for the winter so we can plant them again next spring. 

Hard at work doing work. 

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