Friday, May 3, 2019

Welcome ducklings!

Well, this happened today.  I am so excited to have ducks here again.  This morning I asked my husband if he minded if we got a couple of ducklings.
He said, God bless him and I quote, "I don't care what you do."
He likes looking at them in the yard and really has no idea how many birds we have.

I practically skipped to Tractor Supply where all of the birds were on clearance.  Between the clearance price, my reward rebate and a coupon, I brought home 5 little ducklings for $2.97.


Look at those cute, fat little butts.  I mean, who could resist?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. They are beautiful, your hubby gave the right answer.

    1. Absolutely! We are really good at keeping a blind eye to each others hobby purchases. LOL.
