Monday, March 5, 2018

A Hitchcock Monday, sort of.

It was a gentle day around here. The little man and I drove to the lake to see if the ducks were migrating in. We didn't see any ducks but there were thousands of gulls. There are about 10 total in this photo so you'll have to take my word for it, between the noise and the sheer volume of them it was actually disturbing.  We left before this could happen but I guess if I could look like Tippi Hedren circa 1963 it might have been worth it.  Before she got pecked by the seagull and things went to hell. 

Look what else we saw today!  It was beautiful.

We took long walks, saw three deer and some turkey vultures.

This month's selection for our book club finally came in the mail, so time to start reading.  It's Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.  I didn't realize when we chose it that I was already familiar with the story - it was made into the 1940 Alfred Hitchcock film also called Rebecca.  PLUS, I just learned that Daphne du Maurier also wrote what was turned into The Birds.  How funny is that?  It's a Hitchcock day. 

Bee did her part to contribute to the household.  She brought home a mouse yesterday, dropped it on the doormat and ate part of it.  Today she brought another one home and just stared pointedly.

Thanks Bee. It's good to be loved.