Sunday, April 19, 2020

Baby quail

The basement is very active today. The quail eggs have been hatching over the last 48 hours. Out of 30 eggs 25 hatched. 2 didn't make it but all of the rest are doing great. Very happy with the results, especially as the eggs came through the mail.

Here are a few of them. Look at all of the variety! It will fun to see how they feather out.

Honestly I've been feeling pretty down this week for a couple of reasons so this was a nice suprise. There was also a baby mobile completed and more quilt stars that will be posted later.


  1. Lots of fun, have the boys seen them yet, love the colours a mixed bunch but very pretty. Hope your feeling happier soon, it's hard in these strange times.

    1. The kids were excited but the novelty has worn off :)

  2. I hope you are cheerier soon. Thank you for putting the penny for scale. I put a penny on the ipad and stretched the photo to the right size. Awww. Adorable.
