Thursday, December 12, 2019

Summer flowers

It's been a doozy of a past week, nothing terrible just busy.  It was sort of a crapstorm of sickness and failed appliances (we have a new stove!).  Ugh.  It's easier to just post all of these lovely flower photos I found on my phone today.  Because winter is coming and come January I won't believe there was this much color in the world.

I also realized that I never posted the photos from a dear friends (beautiful!) wedding, our last family camping trip (fun! also epic disaster!) and some snapshots from my moms recipe box.  

It's fun to compose stuff like this thinking I might paint someday.  Still in the "hope to shower" stage of motherhood.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, here in UK it's been a dull wet day, the rain is still very heavy outside. Its 10pm, our voting stations have just closed and we are waiting to here the future of our country.
